Who is Gema Moraleja Paz?
Public readings:
* Onda Mini (Radio) July (1994)
* Radio Vallekas, September in Madrid (1994)
* Teleka (Television from Vallekas). Half hour interview.
* Cope (Radio) Interview in Ciudad Real.
* 40 Principales - Interview in Ciudad Real.
* Teleonda (Ciudad Real Television) Interview.
* Café Comercial. Poetry Gathering every Monday from 20:00 to 23:00 h.
* Libertad 8 (Café) Book launch: "La Luna se Balancea" 11/07/1994 at 20:00.
* Interview in "Rayo Express" about book "La Luna se Balancea".
* Poetry reading in Capilla del Jazz (Alcalá de Henares) 10/10/1995.
* Poetry reading in Fernán Caballero (Ciudad Real).
* Collaborative work in Long Play in memory of José Luís López Vázquez.
* Interview in "El Rincón del Arte Nuevo - Calle Segovia, 17 - Madrid.
* Reading in "19" - Calle Segovia, 19 - Madrid.
* Reading in "Capilla del Jazz" (Alcalá de Henares) 25/10/95 at 20:00.
At the age of 17 I joined the "Generación del 27", literary circle founded by Gerardo Diego., and have now been
part of it for 18 years. The following is a list of the members of the circle:
D. José Altabella (Lecturer in Journalism), deceased.
D. Mahmut Shot (Lecturer in Arab Philology). Author of "Cuentos Eróticos de las Mil y Una Noches” (Erotic
Tales from A Thousand and One Nights)
D. José Bárcena (Writer and media officer for Café Gijón).
D. Carlos de la Vega Benaya (Member of the Constitucional Supreme Court, deceased).
Manolin Pinares (deceased)
Antonio Granados (Currently co-publishes a literary magazine with Rafael Morales).
Rafael Morales (Writer featured in COU, BUP, and ESO textbooks. Lecturer in Hispanic Philology).
Maricruz (Astrologer for Madrid edition of Vogue magazine).
Don Pepe Lucas. Painter. (artwork featured in Chamartín Station).
Don Pepe Díaz (Painter recently featured on Channel 2 of Spanish Television).
Don Manuel Vicent (Writer and Journalist).
Don Javier Villán (El Mundo journalist).
Don Victor González (Sculptor, deceased)
Don Agustín (Lecturer in Bellas Artes - Madrid).
Don Pedro Beltrán (Bullfighting journalism expert).
D. Modesto Roldán (Painter who designed the covers of my books)
Doña Victoria Pereira "Lía" (Writer and Poet whom I introduced to the tertulia in December as a new member in