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Brotes de lágrimas

Siempre estás ahí

Como una sombra que alcanza

El firmamento,

con la clara luz del universo.

Ese destino que evoca

Mil recuerdos

Me ve y destruye mis aullidos

De lágrimas que brotan

De mis ojos, desgarrando

La boca y alcanzando un adios

Cercano a un susurro de tu odio

En mi alcoba.

Welling tears

Always you are there

Like a shadow that reaches

The heavens

With the bright light of the universe.

The fate, that evokes

a thousand memories.

Sees me and destroys my howls

Of tears welling from

My eyes rending my

Mouth, reaching a farewell

Close to a whisper of your hatred

In my chamber.




I found without searching

after struggling so long

and long nights awake

searching, not finding

hopes that flew away

I grasped upon waking

barefoot in my suffering

that angels were hearing

my prayers and tearful


I sang at night in the ear of destiny

from a bed

Dark and bloody,

I felt part of my essence

Scattered over time

I love you, I love you

All I know is I love you

No matter that destiny

Tears me from your side

No matter that angels, men, demons and guides

Tell me over again you;re not mine

I know that you love me

And yet force yourself no to

But I do so love you


I seek a path in the distance

in the absence of destination

each step creates my destiny

finding but hate along the way

The tenderness enveloped

by my shield is protected

on the wings of sleepy fortune

fortune rocked by the wind

love long abandoned

inside life;s walls

slowly agonizes and fades

searching in the abyss

of envy I have fallen into

plucking away each minute

from the journey, from my fury



Passion for writing